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Welcome back to Rev Up with the Brett/Robinson Revenue Management team!
This week we’re going to be previewing some of the information we’ll be presenting in our August 24, 2023 All Owner Update meeting!
If you’d like to RSVP for this session, please click here.  If you lose the link in your email, the link for the meeting can be found at

In the meeting, we will be covering:
•    Summer Recap
•    Fall Preview
•    Evaluations
•    Real Estate Overview
•    Q&A

Our intention is to keep you informed on the trends we’ve seen throughout the Summer, and that we are starting to see take shape as we head into the Fall.  We will do our best to provide details and analysis of national trends, local market trends, and internal Brett/Robinson trends.

Here’s a preview of data we’ll be breaking down for each bedroom type in the meeting, starting with 2-bedroom units:

Month Revenue Variance
June 13.1%
July 7.2%
August 10.5%
Summer 10.1%


What does this mean?  It means that despite the drops in demand we encountered this Summer, Brett/Robinson 2-bedroom units made over 10% more than other 2-bedroom units across our market for this Summer, on average!

How do things look for the Fall?  In a word: fantastic!  Check out revenue for our entire inventory compared to the market for September and October:

We’re currently revving up over double digit percent more rental revenue for our owners for this Fall than the rest of the market is!

We’ll talk more specifically about our strategy next week on the All Rental Owner’s Update as well.  Can’t make it?  That’s okay too, we’ll post a link to a recording of the call-in next week’s Rev Up article.

Finally, we wanted to post a link to the Revenue Manager Roundtable that our very own Bryant Loy participated in last week to discuss Summer and Fall trends with other Revenue Managers from across the country.  

If you have any questions or suggestions on what you’d like to see us discuss here in the future, please shoot an email to us at and we’d be happy to dive in and discuss!